赵伟,男,1990年出生,山西人。2012年毕业于中国矿业大学安全工程专业,获工学学士学位;2012年至今本硕博连读攻读中国矿业大学安全科学与工程专业博士学位。主要研究方向为气体在多孔介质中的吸附解吸规律、气体在多孔介质中的扩散及渗透行为、煤岩体破坏损伤行为、管道粉体输运的流态模拟、煤与瓦斯突出机理及防治技术等。硕、博期间参与了“973”重大基础研究项目、国家青年科学基金项目,同时参与淮北矿业集团、华能集团、华润集团、皖北矿业集团等多个科研项目。目前,以第一作者发表SCI论文4篇;获国家授权发明专利2项;参与编写专著2部;获煤炭工业协会三等奖1项、淮海科学技术奖1项。多次受邀为Fuel、Energy& Fuels、Power Technology、Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering等国内外相关领域期刊进行审稿。
1. Zhao W, Cheng Y, Meng Y, et al. Effect of adsorption contact time on coking coal particle desorption characteristics[J]. Energy Fuels, 2014,28(4):2287-2296.(SCI已检索)
2.Zhao W, Cheng Y, Jiang H, et al. Role of the rapid gas desorption of coal powders in the development stage of outbursts[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 2015,28:491-501.(SCI已检索)
3.Zhao W, Cheng Y, Guo P, et al. An analysis of the gas-solid plug flow formation: New insights into the coal failure process during coal and gas outbursts[J]. Powder Technology, 2017, 305: 39-47.(SCI已检索)
4.Zhao W, Cheng Y, Jiang H, et al. Modeling and experiments for transient diffusion coefficients in the desorption of methane through coal powders[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 110: 845-854.(SCI已检索)